Hareesh Bahuleyan

Welcome! 👋

The Present.

I currently work as a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Mozilla AI in Berlin, building a product named Lumigator, with the objective of simplifying the LLM evaluation and model selection process for developers building their own AI solutions.🦾

The Past.

Prior to Mozilla, I worked for 4 years in an Applied Science Team at Zalando SE in Berlin. My job there entailed solving interesting challenges in the e-commerce space, specifically related to Fashion Artificial Intelligence. This short interview will give you a glimpse of my time at Zalando. 🎙

Before moving to Germany🇩🇪, I spent 2 years as a Machine Learning Researcher at the Montreal Lab of Borealis AI, the R&D arm of the Royal Bank of Canada. In 2018, I completed my graduate studies at the University of Waterloo, Canada🇨🇦, where the focus of my masters research thesis was on the applications of deep learning to natural language processing (NLP) and text generation with neural variational models. Here is a link to my Google Scholar profile 🎓.

I am an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)🇮🇳, having graduated in 2015 with a dual degree in Transportation Engineering. For my thesis at IITM, I explored the applications of machine learning on traffic data and travel time prediction. 🚖

My Interests.

While I am open to exploring different avenues in ML, my broad interests are in the areas of deep learning, natural language processing and large language models🔬. On the engineering side, I am keen on building and deploying ML systems for real-world scenarios. ⚙️

I love travelling and have been to 34 countries so far✈️. I enjoy hiking and my other hobbies include trying out new recipes 🌮 and listenting to podcasts 🎧 (which is usually done simultaneously while cooking 😉).


Mozilla | Berlin, Germany

Jan 2025 - Present

Senior ML Engineer

Building trustworthy open-source AI tools for developers.

Zalando SE | Berlin, Germany

Dec 2020 - Jan 2025

Senior Applied Scientist

Development of ML models for personalized size recommendation.

Borealis AI | Montreal, Canada

Sept 2018 - Oct 2020

Machine Learning Researcher

Implemented deep learning and NLP solutions to solve problems in the FinTech space.

University of Waterloo | Ontario, Canada

Sept 2016 - Aug 2018


Thesis: Natural language generation with neural variational models.

Citibank | Chennai, India

Jul 2015 - Aug 2016

Software Developer

Process automation through Java applications developed via Google Web Toolkit.

IIT Madras | Chennai, India

Aug 2010 - June 2015

B.Tech + M.Tech

Thesis: Travel time prediction using machine learning techniques.


You can get in touch with me by email: <firstname><lastname> [at] gmail [dot] com
Alternatively, please reach out via one of the handles below: